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My Big Brother Celebrity Dream Cast

There has been a lot of speculation about who will be appearing on Big Brother 20 - or more commonly called Big Brother Celebrity US. The UK has been producing Celebrity Big Brother for many years now and have created a strong platform for both UK and American celebrities to have their chance to win Big Brother. Julie Chen said in an interview that this is not the first time that CBS has tried to make Big Brother Celebrity happen in the US. Many years ago Big Brother Celebrity was in the works and they even had Paris Hilton as a confirmed houseguest, the only problem was that no one at that time knew who Paris Hilton was. CBS could not get the household names needed for this show to be a success and so the project was cancelled. Fast-forward into 2018 and we will finally be given our first Big Brother Celebrity experience in North America. (A big distinction between UK and USA is that the UK is called Celebrity Big Brother or CBB for short and the US version is being called Big Brother Celebrity, and probably BBC). With so much speculation on who will be entering the house this winter, I thought I would throw out the names of people I am expecting or wishing to see in the house.

With so many celebrities being involved in some sort of scandal, whether big or small, Big Brother is the perfect way to try and gain back some good PR. I am %100 sure that a majority of the people in the house will be there as a good PR stunt and this is where I base some of my guesses for houseguests. Kathy Griffin is a long time fan of Big Brother and has made several appearances in the house during previous seasons, mostly with her close friend Zingbot. A few months ago Kathy Griffin got herself in some hot water when she posted a picture on twitter holding a severed head that resembled President Trump. Kathy made an apology but was still have her name slung through the mud with many people on social media. Her stunt in the Big Brother house would hopefully help her regain her funny reputation and I hate to say it, but her age of 56 years old would fill the Big Brother Quota on an older player. Another person who may use Big Brother as a PR stunt could be McKayla Maroney. McKayla was the USA gymnast that was caught with a resting bitch face on the podium. Since then, she was labelled a mean girl and received mixed reviews on social media. Some people loved her, but most people hated her. Since her time in the Olympics, she released videos of her in her underwear dancing on Facebook. People thought her Facebook was hacked, but no, it was just McKayla letting people know that she is still around and she is still smoking hot. I think the Big Brother house would be a good place for her to try to get rid of her mean girl reputation and hopefully fulfil her need for attention. Speaking of athletes who need a good PR boost, I bring you to my next houseguest prediction, Ryan Lochte. It is no secret that his reputation took a dive after the whole gas station robbery fiasco following the Olympics. Ryan tried to win the hearts over of America by doing a stint of Dancing with the Stars, but sadly that was ruined by people in the audience constantly booing him and once even jumping on stage with 'Liar' shirts. It is safe to say that the Big Brother House would be a safe place for Ryan to show America that "he's really not that bad" as long as he doesn't play a sneaky and backstabbing game.

Everyone should expect a few faces from the Bachelor nation to appear in this season of Big Brother. There is some controversy over this because some people do not consider Bachelor nation people to be 'celebrities', but those people are going to have to get over it because they will definitely be on the show. Three people come to mind when I think about who will be ending up in the Big Brother house. Yes, all three of them are also in need of some good PR after their last appearances on the Bachelor franchise shows. The first person is Nick Viall, who was one 4 seasons of Bachelor franchise shows. After his forth season, and Nick finally being the bachelor, he found love with a Canadian named Vanessa. However, audiences said they did not believe the relationship was real and no one was surprised when their break up was announced 5 months after the show ended. Nick loves reality TV and has also appeared on Dancing with the Stars. I think he would jump on a Big Brother opportunity for two reasons - the publicity and a showmance. The next two people I could see in the Big Brother house are interesting because it could involve a twist. The Twins Emily and Hayley from the Bachelor franchise are two standout stars from the show. They have appeared on three seasons on the franchise and continue to be some of the most active on social media in regards to the show. On their most recent appearance on Bachelor in Paradise, they left a sour note to audiences by telling the rest of the Paradise cast to F*ck off. They made an apology on twitter, but they could still use another 15 minutes to show that they are not the mean girls they were perceived to be in that episode. Big Brother has done a twin twist twice now and it would not be a huge stretch for CBS to bring back that twist in Big Brother 20. Also, the Twins are super entertaining and very good looking, they might even have Rachel or Janelle potential on the show.

Other people I can see going on the show would be going on less for good PR and more for the fame. They are people who love being on reality TV or have already expressed a want to be considered for Big Brother Celebrity. Malika or Jonathan from Keeping up with the Kardashions. Malika just finished famously single so we know she is open to doing other reality television shows. I think either Deena or Vinny from Jersey Shore will be considered to be on the show. Vinny loves shows like the Bachelor and Deena has expressed on Twitter that she wants to go into the Big Brother house for BB20. Lance Bass from N'SYNC has also been a big contender on social media. He has appeared on shows like Keeping up with the Kardashions and has said that he loves Big Brother and watches every season.

Whether or not all or any of these people end up in the Big Brother house, I am sure this season will be the most unexpected yet. Let me know what you think about my predictions and who you think will be in the house!

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