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Why BBCan6 needed BB19

It is no secret that Big Brother Canada has struggled both in ratings and casting. There have been many dramatic moments worthy of Big Brother history, moments like Ika shredding the letters, the brothers nominating themselves, and of course the Topaz vote in the BBCan 1 finale. Even though there have been lots of opportunity for Big Brother Canada to thrive amongst the other Big Brother shows, the ratings show that it has failed to gain sustainable popularity. This resulted in Big Brother Canada being put on hiatus with no season 6 in sight. However, shortly after BB19 US started, the news broke that BBCan was reinstated and audiences seemed excited for BBCan 6.

I truly think that this season of BB19 directly resulted in the hype around BBCan6 for a few reasons. The first being that the first week of BB19 was one of the best weeks that the North American big brother franchise has had in a while. Cody who was HOH had to nominate 5 different people for various reasons, which ultimately led to lots of drama. During this week, audiences were reminded of old school Big Brother. The type of Big Brother played by people like Evel Dick and Dan, not the fame seeking Big Brother we have become used to in recent seasons. The first week of BB19 created so much hype around Big Brother that it opened the door for Big Brother Canada to make a come back.

Throughout BB19, audiences quickly turned on the cast calling them 'puppets' and 'sheep'. All of a sudden BB19 was one of the most hated casts in Big Brother history. BB Vets posted on twitter that they stopped watching the show because of how disappointed they were with the houseguests and the vets also started talking about Big Brother Canada. Big Brother vet Evel Dick especially spoke his mind about how good he thought Big Brother Canada seasons were and encouraged his followers to watch them instead of BB19. Audiences that were teased with BB19 bringing back old school big brother were very disappointed, and looked at Big Brother Canada to satisfy their reality television needs.

I think that we need to say a big thank you to BB19 because without them, I do not see how Big Brother Canada would gain the popularity for season 6 it needs to become the highly rated show it needs to be. Hopefully BBCan continues to strengthen the Big Brother game and we finally get the exciting season that all of us viewers deserve.

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